Our Story

Hello, there!

We hope you enjoy our original storybooks, coloring books and downloadable pages, opportunities for learning, blog, and more.

Our mission is to sprinkle joy through connections with art and nature.

Our vision is to create transformational experiences for children and adults rooted in creativity, fun, and connection.

Stay in touch by signing up for our newsletter or get in contact with any questions.

Be sure to follow and like our Facebook page, and to engage with us on Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Below you will find more about our founder and how we got started.

Thank you for visiting Hello Bluebirds!

Bluebirds symbolize joy, happiness, grace, and delight.

Bluebirds symbolize joy, happiness, grace, and delight.

Our Founder

Inspired by the delights of country living, the adventures of hobby farming, and becoming a grandmother, Jacqueline Bance founded Hello Bluebirds in 2020.

Meet Our Collaborators

Here are some of the collaborators and partners we team with to do our work.

  • Poet, Author

    Rita Deyo was a retired scientist and tireless poet from Minnesota who lived in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin until her passing in 2022. For many years, she lived in Minnesota where she was active in several organizations, including a senior citizens advisory council, the Mississippi Valley Poets and Writers, the Midwest Chaparral Poets, and the Audubon Park writers group. We will miss our friend Rita and cherish the time and work we shared with her. Read Rita’s obituary here.

  • Author

    Katie is a mom, wife, and the author of the children’s book “Just Believe.” She holds her Associate’s Degree in Advertising Communication and Design and lives in the Twin Cities with her husband, two daughters, and two cats.

  • We partner with Isles & Co. Digital for our website, digital marketing, and social media, and Isles & Co. Handmade for knitwear design, and product sales.

    Isles & Co. is owned by Jackie’s daughter Heidi.

    Visit the Isles & Co. Etsy shop.